Sales, Account Management, and Supply Management Academies Ads

Goal - Make consumers, specific to Sales and Supply Management professionals, more aware of
Vantage's Academies that cover consulting and training in these two professional sectors

My Role- Creative lead and project manager between the Training Services and Consulting teams,
Digital Marketing team, and the Chief Marketing Officer

Outcome - The testimonials of prior customers resonated with many new and prospective customers,
and these posts increased leads for the Academies by 6%

National Geographic Learning | World English Case Study | Social Campaign

Goal - Leverage current customer testimonials to create brand awareness of National Geographic Learning,
and create trust between prospective customers and NGL

My Role - Creative lead and project manager, conceptualized the entire Case Studies campaign,
including the initial digital resource and associated social posts

Outcome - Engagement on Facebook page saw an increase of over 11,000 followers in the first few months of the Case Studies launching

National Geographic Learning | World English Case Study Campaign

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